Happy Times in Noisy Village

    Happy Times in Noisy Village

    Type:Chapter Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Mini Grey
    Publisher:Oxford University Press

    The children in Noisy Village have fun nearly all the time. They skate on the lake at North Farm – and Lars falls through a hole in the ice, but luckily manages to get out again. Lisa and Anna are going to buy yeast, and ginger, vinegar and sewing thread and sausage of the finest quality. That could take a whole day if you keep forgetting things!In 2021, the books have been newly illustrated by Mini Grey and published by Oxford University Press in the UK. Previous editions were illustrated by Tony Ross.Translator: Susan Beard

    Happy Times in Noisy village

    Happy Times in Noisy village

    The Children of Noisy Village

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