Ronja Räubertochter - Das Gewitterkind

    Ronja Räubertochter - Das Gewitterkind

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Katsuya Kondo

    Among robbers! Ronja, the daughter of the robber captain Mattis, grows up in the middle of the forest. One day she meets Birk, the son of a robber from the enemy Borka clan. When the parents forbid the two to be friends, Ronja and Birk run away. Astrid Lindgren wrote this now world-famous story at the age of around 70 as a successful parable of adolescence, set in an exciting ambience and full of wisdom.The implementation as a comic is based on the look of the award-winning Swedish television series for children, developed by the Japanese animation studio Ghibli Gewitterkind is the first of a total of four comics about Ronja.Translator: Anna-Liese Kornitzky

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