Visst kan Lotta nästan allting

    Visst kan Lotta nästan allting

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Ilon Wikland
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    It's strange with Lotta on Bråkmakargatan, she knows almost everything. Although sometimes things go a little wrong, like when Bamsen accidentally ends up in the dustbin. But when Jonas and Mia-Maria just cry because there isn't a single Christmas tree to buy in the whole town, then it's Lotta who saves Christmas!A standalone story about Lotta, illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

    Book Sure Lotta can do almost anything

    Book Sure Lotta can do almost anything

    Lotta on Troublemaker Street

    15.95 EUR
      Discover more from Lotta on Troublemaker Street

      “It’s funny, how many things I can do.”

      Lotta, in Lotta's Christmas Surprise
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