Lotta says 'NO!'

    Lotta says 'NO!'

    Type:Chapter Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Mini Grey
    Publisher:Oxford University Press

    Joe, Mary-Lou and little Lotta live in a yellow house on Troublemaker Street. They have fun all the time – there are hardly any other children who have so much fun, even though Lotta is as stubborn as an old goat, according to her father. She has so many ideas. Imagine, once she took her flapjacks and hung them up in a tree. So they sat there, flapping in the wind and Lotta took a bite from them whenever she was hungry. “I’m pretending I’m a little lamb, eating leaves in the forest”, she said.This is the first book about Lotta, the stubborn little girl full of ideas who has become one of Astrid Lindgren’s most loved characters.In 2020, the books have been newly illustrated by Mini Grey and published by Oxford University Press in the UK. Previous editions were illustrated by Tony Ross.Translator: Tom Geddes

    Discover more from Lotta on Troublemaker Street

    “It’s funny, how many things I can do.”

    Lotta, in Lotta's Christmas Surprise
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