Summertime in the world of Astrid Lindgren
Many associate Astrid Lindgren's works with Swedish summer. Her portrayal of the scents, sounds, and beauty of nature evokes the feeling of summer. Here are some glimpses into the summery world of Astrid Lindgren!
Summer reading
“When they did eventually turn into those sad forty-year-olds she had mentioned, they would still remember their wonderful summer game. And they would never be able to think of it without recalling how it felt to run barefoot over the Prairie’s soft grass on an early summer’s evening, how warm and welcoming the water in the little river felt as they splashed across Eva-Lotta's rickety plank bridge on the way to one of their important battles, or how the hot sun streamed through the open hatch doors into the bakery loft, so that even the floorboards in the White Rose's headquarters smelled of summer.”
from The white rose rescue, a Kalle Blomkvist mystery
Holiday in Småland
Astrid Lindgren was born and raised in Vimmerby, Småland. Today, you can visit the theater park Astrid Lindgren's World and Astrid Lindgren's Näs, Astrid's childhood home and now a museum.
Places to visit
Holiday in Stockholm
It was in Stockholm that Astrid Lindgren spent the vast majority of her life. She moved there as an 18-year-old in 1926, and she and her family moved into the apartment at Dalagatan 46 on September 22, 1941. She ended up living there for over 60 years. We have created a guide to Astrid Lindgren's Stockholm!
Astrid Lindgren's Stockholm“June evenings in Stockholm are like nothing else in the entire world. Nowhere else does the sky shimmer with such a strange light, nowhere else is the dusk so lovely and magical and blue. And in that blue dusk the city sits on its pale waters as if it has floated up out of some old fairytale and isn’t real at all.”
from The World’s Best KarlsonSummer in Noisy Village
"Perhaps Anna is right after all, and we do have most fun in the summer. Except I like going to school, and when our teacher says goodbye to us on the last day of the summer term it almost makes me cry, because I know I can’t see her for such a long time. But I soon forget that because it really is lovely having summer holidays.
On the first evening of our summer holidays we usually go down to North Farm Lake to fish. There is almost nothing that feels as summery as fishing. We have made a fishing rod each. It’s only a long hazel branch, but we’ve got real fishing line and floats and sinkers and hooks that we bought in the shop in Storby Village.
Lasse calls the evening we finish school the Great Fishing Evening. There is a heap of rocks just the right size where we usually sit and fish. It’s called Perch Mountain. It’s called that simply because you never catch any perch there, says Anna. The only things you do get are mosquito bites, she says. But Bosse caught a big perch last time we were there, anyhow, and Britta got two small roach.
Anna and I sat on our kitchen doorstep afterwards and counted mosquito bites. I had fourteen on my right leg and five on my left. Anna had nine on each leg.
‘You could almost use it as an arithmetic question,’ said Anna. ‘We’ll have to write it down on a piece of paper for our teacher. “If Lisa has fourteen mosquito bites on one leg and five on the other, and Anna has nine on each leg, who has got the most bites and how many are there all together?”
But then we remembered it was the summer holidays, and how silly it was to spend time doing sums. So we just scratched our mosquito bites and had a lovely time right up until we had to go to bed. Oh, how lovely the summer holidays are!"
Translation: Susan Beard

Summer's here!
Finally summer is here and the Astrid Lindgren Store is stocked with summery products!“But in Katthult Lake, among the white water lilies, Emil and Alfred swam up and down in the cool water, and in the sky the July moon hung like a red lamp, shining just for them. ‘You and me, Alfred,’ said Emil. ‘Yep, you and me, Emil,’ said Alfred. ‘Just the two of us.’”
from Emil and the Sneaky Rat
Did you know?
In 1989, Astrid Lindgren was honoured by having a rose named after her. The Astrid Lindgren rose is beautifully light pink and blooms profusely for a long time. It can also be used as a climbing rose. Roses appear in several of Astrid Lindgren's stories: the beautiful Wild Rose Vale in "The Brothers Lionheart," Salikon's roses in the story "Most Beloved Sister," and not least the White and Red Roses that battle each other in the books about Kalle Blomkvist.