Pippi Longstocking games and activities
Our best Pippi games!
The Word Game
Pippi sets out to find out what ”snirkle” is. It can be anything—the only thing she knows is that it doesn’t mean dustbin lid. Come up with your own new words and let everyone guess and provide explanations of what they mean!
The Backward Game
Why must we walk forward? We live in a free country where you can walk however you want! Practice walking backward instead. Then you can challenge each other to a backward race.
Tag with Policemen
Pippi’s lucky day is when she gets to play with the policemen. Play tag like Pippi—two people are chosen to be police who must catch the other participants. If you get caught, you have to be the police instead!
The Lying Game
It’s wrong to lie, but you can make up stories! Once, Pippi invented a story about a calf that could knit socks and climb trees. Can you come up with something just as silly?
Don’t Touch the Floor Course
Make your way around the room without touching the floor! Build a course where you can jump from rugs to chairs, sofas, and other furniture.
The Thing-Finding Game
The whole world is full of things and there’s a crying need for someone to find them. And that’s just what a thing-finder does. Choose an item, hide it, and ask the other participants to find it. Give clues: Bird, fish, or somewhere in between?
Treasure Hunt
Where is Pirate Joe’s old treasure hidden? A treasure hunt with a real treasure map will make the Pippi party shine! Everyone who finds the treasure will be rewarded with a gold coin from the treasure chest—either a real one or one made of chocolate...